The "Extinction Stops Here" Salmon Rally in Portland, Oregon with author, conservationist,
and fisherman David James Duncan. On September. 19, more than 700 people rallied at a
riverside park to call for action and leadership to restore our legendary fish and revitalize our
commercial, recreational, and tribal fishing communities.
Go to Save Our Wild Salmon to read about the event and see photos of the speakers and the
crowds. The rally was a huge success and a huge amount of fun too! The rally received lots of
television and radio coverage, which SOS will post on their website in the next few days. You
can also go here, to read the speech that David James Duncan gave that evening.
Fox-News story on the failing, but oh-so-expensive federal salmon efforts in the Columbia
Basin. $8 billion and counting - but we aren't stemming the decline of our endangered wild
salmon and steelhead.
Note on the Fox-News story:
The story is running this weekend on TV, and can be viewed online at: Fox NEWS look for the
video link to the "salmon plan under fire."
Some corrections offered by Joseph Bogaard from Save Our Wild Salmon:
Correcting the Record #1: Northwest electrical ratepayers pay an additional 5% on their
monthly bill - not 30%. Fox got this wrong. U.S. taxpayers and Northwest ratepayers are in
fact spending about $700 million dollars on a host of programs that scientists tell us will never
restore our endangered runs of Snake River salmon and steelhead.
Correcting the Record #2: In the story, a federal government official baldly claims that their
efforts are working, and it simply is not true. (a) Today, there are 13 unique runs of salmon
and steelhead that are officially endangered or threatened. To date, no Columbia River salmon
listed under the ESA has recovered to a healthy population. (b) All Snake River salmon runs
are in danger of extinction. Just 3 Snake River sockeye survived the dams to return to their
spawning grounds in the Idaho wilderness. Three fish! The amazing salmon migrate 900 miles
upriver and 6,500 feet in elevation.
The science is clear - we need to remove the costly 4 Lower Snake River dams to protect and
restore our wild salmon and steelhead.
So what's it going to take to generate the leadership that we need in Congress to truly solve
this problem? The public support expressed in the letters and phone calls to legislators, 700
people rallyingfor recovery, and national news stories on the waste and failure of the feds'
status quo efforts are exactly the types of things to move politicians to action.