How can individuals and others assist the Salmon to Sea trip? Save Our Wild Salmon has graciously set up a place on their website that allows us to take TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations. That is correct, you can help the Salmon to Sea journey by making a tax-deductible donation on Save Our Wild Salmons' website.
How do you make a tax-deductible donation to the Salmon to Sea trip? First you have to go to the Save Our Wild Salmon website
here. Next you will make your way to the "
Donate" page and click on the little yellow button like the one below. Click on the button of the amount you would like to donate. MAKE SURE THAT YOU CHECK THE BOX FOR THE "SALMON TO SEA." Otherwise the money will just go to the general fund. If you don't mind I would also appreciate an email directly to me, so I can keep track of this.
How will financial donations be used? There are several places along this trip where the options for camping are very limited. In these areas state, federal and private campgrounds will be used - while some of them are free of charge, others cost up to $20 per night. I am also asking for donations to cover my food costs for the 7 weeks. Lastly, donations will help make regular "live" updates via satellite phone possible for the entire duration of the trip. All money raised beyond these trip costs will go directly to
Idaho Rivers United and
Save Our Wild Salmon, the two non-profit groups benefiting from this trip, and will be used to help with the issues concerning wild salmon and steelhead levels. Any gift will be greatly appreciated and will help defer my personal costs during this undertaking.